{literal} {/literal}
欢迎来到{$base.FirmName}{ if $langzh eq zh} {$lang.zh}{/if}{ if $langtw eq tw}| {$lang.tw}{/if}{ if $langen eq en}| {$lang.en}{/if}
{section name=prod loop=$prod_return start=0 step=0 max=10} {/section}
{literal} {/literal}
{php}classidul(){/php} {php}classidli(){/php}
{if $base.FirmID eq 'wangji888' }
{php} $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='3437' ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC"; $query = $GLOBALS['dbes']->query($sql); $lsit =array(); while ($rows = $GLOBALS['dbes']->FetchRow($query)){ $pic_one = explode("#",$rows['pic']); $rows['pic_one'] = $pic_one[0]; $rows['content_len'] = cutstr($rows['content'],$len); $lsit[]=$rows; } foreach($lsit as $vls){ if($vls[pic_one]){ $picone = $vls[pic_one]; }else{ $picone = $GLOBALS['tpl']['img'].'/imgjs/nopic_1.gif'; } $otherlist .= '
'; } echo $otherlist; {/php}
{section name=prod loop=$prod_return start=5 step=1 max=6}
    {if $base.LinkMan neq ''}
  • {$lang.LinkMan}{$base.LinkMan}
  • {else}{/if} {if $base.Cellphone neq ''}
  • {$lang.Cellphone}{$base.Cellphone}
  • {else}{/if} {if $base.Telephone neq ''}
  • {$lang.Telephone}{$base.Telephone}
  • {else}{/if} {if $base.Fax neq ''}
  • {$lang.Fax}{$base.Fax}
  • {else}{/if} {if $base.Email neq ''}
  • {$lang.Email}{$base.Email}
  • {else}{/if} {if $base.Address neq ''}
  • {$lang.Address}{$base.Address}
  • {else}{/if}
{if $prodouts.ProductID neq ''}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.Name neq ''}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.WebPrice neq '' and $prodouts.WebPrice neq '0'}
{$lang.webpice}:{$prodouts.WebPrice} {$lang.yan}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.Unit neq ''}
{else}{/if} {$prodouts.mores}
{ if $prodouts.WebPrice neq '' and $prodouts.WebPrice neq '0' } {/if}
{$flaotQQ} {if $base.FirmID eq 'meihua' } {/if} {if $base.FirmID eq 'gdlvtiaokou' } {/if}