服务热线:{if $base.Telephone neq ''}{$base.Telephone}{/if} 活动专区|演出专区
{if $base.FirmID eq 'yus001'} {literal} {/literal}
{php} $sql2a = "SELECT hengfu,hengfusize FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_setting')." WHERE FirmID = 'yus001' "; $TSa = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getRow($sql2a); $hengfua=explode("#",$TSa[hengfu]); $hengnuma = count($hengfua); for($ia=0;$ia<$hengnuma;$ia++){ $lista .= '
'; } echo $lista; {/php}
{if $set.stats eq 'swf' } {else} {if $set.hengfu neq ''} {php}flash_hengfu(1000,430){/php} {else}{/if} {/if}
{if $base.FirmID eq 'yus001'} {php} $sql2 = "SELECT id , name FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_nav')." WHERE FirmID='yus001' and pid='3007' ORDER BY `soder` ASC "; $TS = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getAll($sql2); foreach($TS as $v){ $list .= "$v[name]| "; } echo $list; {/php} {/if}
{php}classidul(){/php} {php}classidli(){/php}
{if $prodouts.ProductID neq ''}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.Name neq ''}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.WebPrice neq '' and $prodouts.WebPrice neq '0'}
{$lang.webpice}:{$prodouts.WebPrice} {$lang.yan}
{else}{/if} {if $prodouts.Unit neq ''}
{else}{/if} {$prodouts.mores}
{ if $prodouts.WebPrice neq '' and $prodouts.WebPrice neq '0' } {/if}
{if $base.FirmID eq 'yus001' }
{if $base.FirmID eq 'yus001' } {else}
{if $base.Address neq ''}{$lang.Address}{$base.Address}{/if}
{if $base.LinkMan neq ''}{$lang.LinkMan}{$base.LinkMan}{/if} {if $base.Cellphone neq ''}{$lang.Cellphone}{$base.Cellphone}{/if} {if $base.Telephone neq ''}{$lang.Telephone}{$base.Telephone}{/if} {if $base.Fax neq ''}{$lang.Fax}{$base.Fax}{/if} {if $base.QQNo neq ''}{$lang.QQNo}{$base.QQNo}{/if} {$lang.Email}{$base.Email} {if $set.beian neq ''}{$lang.beian}{$set.beian}{/if} {if $base.browsetime neq ''}{$lang.browsetime}{$base.browsetime}{/if}
{$flaotQQ} {literal} {/literal}
{literal} {/literal}
{php} $sql2 = "SELECT QQNo FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_baseinfo')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' "; $Ts = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getRow($sql2); $num=explode("#",$Ts[QQNo]); for($i=0;$i'.$coqq.'  '; } } echo $qqq; {/php}