{literal} {/literal}
{if $get.coopid neq ''} {php} $cid = intval($_GET[cid]); if(!empty($_GET[coopid])){ $where = "AND id = '".intval($_GET[coopid])."'"; } if($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'zh'){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='$cid' $where ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC"; }elseif($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'tw'){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation_tw')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='$cid' $where ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC"; }else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation_en')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='$cid' $where ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC"; } $tisleee = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getRow($sql); {/php}
{php}echo $tisleee[title]{/php}
{php}echo $tisleee[content]{/php}
{if $get.cid eq '6483'}
{/if} {else}
{php} $cid = intval($_GET[cid]); if($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'zh'){ $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='".$cid."' ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC "; }elseif($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'tw'){ $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation_tw')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='".$cid."' ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC "; }else{ $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('firms_cooperation_en')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND classid ='".$cid."' ORDER BY `pid` ASC,`id` DESC "; } $WS = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getAll($sql2); if(count($WS) == '1' ){ header("Location: http://gzrfkj.jz380.com/other.php?cid=".$WS[0]['classid']."&coopid=".$WS[0]['id']); } foreach($WS as $val){ if($val[classid] == '6483'){ $sette = "
";} $news_liset .= '



'; } echo $news_liset; {/php} {/if}