if($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'zh'){
$sql = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_zh')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '0' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
}elseif($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'tw'){
$sql = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_tw')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '0' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
$sql = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_en')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '0' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
$RS = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getAll($sql);
foreach($RS as $v){
if($v[cat_id] == $_GET['bc'] ){ $styel_pro1 = 'style="display: block;"'; }
$contenall .= '
if($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'zh'){
$sql1 = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_zh')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '".$v[cat_id]."' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
}elseif($GLOBALS['lang'] == 'tw'){
$sql1 = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_tw')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '".$v[cat_id]."' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
$sql1 = "SELECT cat_id,cat_name,parent_id FROM ".$GLOBALS['eces']->table('category_en')." WHERE FirmID = '". $GLOBALS['FrimID']."' AND parent_id = '".$v[cat_id]."' ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC ";
$TS = $GLOBALS['dbes']->getAll($sql1);
$tontstl = ' ';
$contenall .= $tontstl;
echo $contenall;
{section name=prod loop=$prod_return start=0 step=0 max=8}